*Book source ~ Purchased on Amazon
Terese Lafitte has a big problem. She needs to feed and now. Unfortunately, the bar she walks into has a big oaf bugging her. He may be a handsome big oaf with plenty of sex appeal, but since she’s a newbie vampire with very little bonus points such as strength and mesmerizing humans, she needs to feed on a puny guy she can overpower. But Apollo won’t leave her alone. Desperate to feed she decides he’s big and strong enough that he won’t be affected by her taking a bit of blood and since he seems to be horny for her, well, a bit of nookie won’t be so bad either. They both get way more than they expected though.
Ah, I haven’t read a terrible Cynthia Eden book yet. I can count on them to have unique paranormal elements, steamy sex scenes, humor and some peril to overcome. I love being entertained and this short story delivers. Written in 2012 I’m wondering when there will be more in this series. I would certainly love to read the stories for Ares, Artemis and Poseidon since they were introduced in this tale.