Lighting Her Fire - Trixie Savreux

*Book source ~ Many thanks to the author for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review.


Jason graduates from college with a degree in Engineering. Despite diligent job hunting and hundreds of applications he’s finally forced to take a job in a mortgage company pushing paperwork. A guy’s gotta live though, so while he has some income coming in he can still look for an engineering job. But then, the mortgage company starts laying off people and since he was the last one in he’s the first one out. A coworker gives him the idea to start his own handyman business after listening to his tales of his own home renovations. With his mother getting him some jobs from her friends, he slowly gets off the ground. Little does he know there will be some yummy benefits in this new business of his.


Jason is a hot 23-year-old guy doing handyman work, so he doesn’t starve. It’s not the engineering field he loves, but he does enjoy the work and meeting people. When the meeting people turns out to mean having a few hot encounters with female clients, he discovers the extra benefits off being hot, young and good with his hands.


My only complaint about this story is that there are few word contractions and it makes the story, the dialogue in particular, sound stilted at times. Other than that this short story is well-written and hot. Yes, some of the encounters are a little on the ‘this would never happen in real life’ side, but that’s what fiction is for, to take us away and dream of ‘what if’. And what hot ‘what ifs’ they are! Yum! 
