Red Sonja Volume 1: Queen Of Plagues - Jenny Frison, Walter Geovanni, Gail Simone

*Book source ~ Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review.


Red Sonja is determined to pay back a debt to the only man she respects, but in doing so she comes face-to-face with her past and what happens next is not pretty.


Red Sonja’s story, from how she became Red Sonja, to the slave pits and her freedom by a King is fascinating. Red Sonja isn’t afraid of anything and is an awesome warrior. She can really kick some ass! But when she’s faced with Dark Annisia, she sort of crumbles. Annisia has always been the better warrior and Red Sonja can’t bring herself to strike her down even if she could get the better of the insane woman. In the end, Red Sonja surrenders and is sent off to a desolate region to die. Of course, she doesn’t die. What kind of story would that be?


The illustrations are wonderful and complement the story just right. I’d be willing to read more about Red Sonja and some of the other characters (the twins in particular) in her world.
