*Book source ~ Many thanks to the author for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review.
Roberta has a shitty life growing up. Her mother is a piece of work, but her dad is awesome and she has a cool grandma. Unfortunately, he dies and grandma abandons her for her moron husband who divorced her for his mistress then married her again 13 years later as soon as the new wife croaked. No wonder when John comes into her life she gets suckered into marrying him. Seemingly devoted to her yet an asshole to others, Prince Charming he is not. I am baffled as to why she even dated him other than everyone and I mean *everyone* told her how she was changing him. And as ego driven as she was no wonder she felt as if she was Superwoman with special powers over all. Look at me! Look at my masterpiece! Look how super awesome I am! Sorry, Roberta. He was still an asshole and you were pathetic.
Ok, as you can see, I did not like this story. The beginning was pretty good, but then it became a shrine to Roberta. How talented, sexy, smart, funny and popular she was. Everyone loved her even though she stomped all over people to get her way and wielded intimidation like Excalibur. After the 20th or so time she mentioned her awards, how super awesome she was and how everyone came to her for advice which she dispensed from her super brain because she knew *everything*, I was over her. I’m surprised she wasn’t crowned Queen of the World. The fact that she was conned into marrying an asshole is just too good to be true. Miss Perfect got suckered. She was so determined to get what she wanted, a home and family, that she put on huge blinders and married John. For someone so smart she did the stupidest thing she could possibly do. Give up her independence for an asshole. Signing a pre-nup without even truly reading it? That was the straw that broke my back. Really? Come on! Then after the way he treated her she stayed. For 16 years! Yeah, she was some ball-buster. That’s what everyone called her. A real ball-buster. Pathetic loser is what I call her.