Act Of Terror - Marc Cameron

Book source ~ Arc. My review is voluntary and honest.


Enter a setting that could be all too real: home-grown terrorists are staging attacks all over America. When an attack happens inside CIA HQ, the most important question now becomes how? How did they pass all the background checks? If they can figure that out then they may be able to stop the terrorist cell once and for all. When the government needs answers and they need them right damn now, they call Jericho Quinn. Because sometimes only a hammer will get the job done.


Life interfered with this series. I read book 1, National Security, years ago and loved it, but it took me forever to get back to Jericho Quinn. Man, what a ride! Act of Terror is everything National Security is and will not disappoint. It’s fast-paced, so strap in and hold on for dear life. Tons of action, excellent characters, great dialogue, and twisty roads will lead to an explosive finish that is worth every minute invested in the reading. My only complaint is with the timeline, but it’s a tiny bitch and easily pushed aside in favor of the badassery that saturates the pages. I love Jericho Quinn. Seriously. There are only a handful of characters I love as much as him: Scott  Bell’s Abel Yeager, Russ Hall’s Al Quinn (no relation that I’m aware of lol), S.J. Parkinson’s Steven Anderson, Christopher Golden’s Ben Walker, and Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden (ok, so he’s Fantasy, sue me) are the ones on the short list. I can’t wait to start book 3, State of Emergency and watch Quinn and Company in action again. Bring on Hammer Company!
