*Book source ~ Library
Guy Montag is a fireman. But in this dystopian world a fireman makes fires, not stops them. They burn books, buildings and sometimes people if the people refuse to leave. Because books are forbidden and people aren’t supposed to think. Until one day Montag meets a young, strange girl named Clarisse. Clarisse makes him start thinking and from there his whole life changes because thinking is not a good thing to be doing in this world.
While I have read several classics there are several more on my TBR and this is one of them. I can’t rate how well the adaptation is since I haven’t read the book, but I do get the gist of what’s going on. I’ve always wanted to read Fahrenheit 451, but I have to say that I’m not overly impressed with it. At least with this version. Maybe it loses a lot in the adaptation or maybe it’s not for me, but I’ll still give the book a try. Some day. Anyway, the story isn’t too bad and while the illustrations are pretty good, especially since they really give the feeling of a bleak and oppressing dystopian world, they aren’t really my style. Fans of the book would probably enjoy this graphic novel though.