*Book source ~ Library
From Goodreads:
A quartet of fallen mystics dubbed the "TrenchCoat Brigade" is introduced in this first collection of the adventures of Timothy Hunter. John Constantine, the Phantom Stranger, Dr. Occult, and Mister E take Hunter on a tour of the magical realms. Along the way he's introduced to Vertigo's greatest practitioners of magic and must choose whether or not to join their ranks.
The artwork is decent and the story is pretty good. Though I’m not sure I understood parts of it. Anyway, ever since I read about Constantine in The Sandman, he’s been a favorite character of mine. I’d love to read more about him. The other three guys are freaky weird. I’m not sure Timothy got what they were trying to tell him. He may be blinded by the new shiny…magic. I know he’s only 12, but I hope he uses his head. If I can find the rest of the graphic novels at the library then I’ll continue on. If not, oh well.