Gertrude's Grace - Jaimey Grant

Dual Review (Amelia's and mine) on the blog. FREE today on Amazon


My review:

*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.


Lady Gertrude tries so hard to be what Society expects of her…a Lady. But it seems no matter what she does it turns out wrong. Her illustrious graceless career peaks when she falls on Lord Chatterton, the catch of the Season. The ton makes fun of her, but Chatterton does not. He treats her like the Lady she truly is, grace or not, and Gertrude can’t figure out why. While waiting for the other shoe to drop, she falls in love with him. But that’s ok, because he’s already in love with her. With his mother, sister and all of Society against the match, do they stand a chance?


This is a fun, sweet, historical romance. Gertrude tends to be on the clumsy side, but Chatterton has a less obvious “flaw” that people rarely see because he’s taken great pains to hide it. Gertrude’s confusion over his attention is fun to witness as are the situations her clumsiness gets her into. I especially chortled at Gertrude’s opening fall in the beginning. Not because she fell and as he was helping her up she fell onto him, but what happened right after that. I will say no more. It’s a must read scene. *giggles* If you’re looking for a fun short read with great characters then look no further!


