*Book source ~ Free on Amazon
Lauren has always wanted to be a marine biologist. She loves her job at the aquarium, working with the whales, but she really hates the cephalopods. They disgust her and they act as if they own the aquarium. When she finds octopus scars on her whale calf she blows up. She gets tighter security measures implemented, but now she feels like she’s being targeted by the octopi. They’re really creeping her out and one night, her fears are realized.
Ok, I’ve never been a big fan of the octopus, but they’ve never creeped me out before. Until now. *shudders* This is more like horror erotica and the dread is strong with this one. They seem seriously malevolent and talk about total non-consensual sex. Eeeee! Not badly written for monster porn, the suspense is quite well-done (but then I’m a big pussy when it comes to horror) and Lauren really gets some up close and personal Tentacle Time (ewwww, slime!). However, now, I will never look at Squidward the same way ever again. Plus, the woman in charge of the cephalopods is…well, what a bitch. If you’re looking for fun monster porn this isn’t it. If you want dark, creepy monster porn then here ya go.