Creamed by Cave Creatures (Monster Erotica) (Monster Mayhem Book 4) - Chelsea Chaynes


*Book source ~ Picked up free on Amazon


Lina needs to go down. It’s musty. It’s moist. It’s dark. But if she wants to finish her doctorate then she must get the samples she needs. So she descends into the deep cave, the dark unknown and hope she’ll find what she needs. And find something she does.


The writing is piss poor and the porn is below average. Only about 40% off this is actual story the rest is shit I don’t care about. But that’s ok. I was done with it long before I reached the so-called end. It’s totally dark, so there’s not much description of these cave creatures, the sex is ho-hum and the “end” is pure horror. Even if it were more descriptive the writing needs work. Lots of work.  There’s nothing to see here, move along.

