Last Thursday Lissa (my better half) and I adopted a new cat.
She is gorgeous, the sweetest little thing ever. She loves cuddles and is so squee she made my heart melt... And I'm not swayed easily.
But when we got her home we noticed something was wrong, see she sneezed on Lissa and the discharge was streaked with blood and one of her hind legs didn't move properly... We took her to the vet. They ran blood tests and determined she had a cold like infection. They did X-rays and then we got some bad news.
This sweet, adorable little one year old cat had been living wild in the middle of nowhere in Australia. She has scarred little ears. She's skinny and small... And she was hit by a car. Her pelvis and leg had been broken and her hip had been dislocated. The fractures healed quite well, if not perfectly, but the dislocation didn't. The ball at the top of the femur is out of place and needs surgery to fix it.
The diagnosis cost us nearly $600. The surgery could cost us another 1500. We need help.
We have set up a GOfundme account to help raise $2000 to cover all the vets bills.
We want to make her life as happy and comfortable as we can. And we want her to be healthy...
Please help us.