Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Retreat - Jane Espenson, Georges Jeanty, Andy Owens, Michelle Madsen, Richard Starkings, Jimmy Betancourt

*Book source ~ Library


Twilight and gang are tracking Buffy and gang by their use of magic. So, they decide they need to lose their magic in order to hide from Twilight.


I’m sorry, but that’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. While I’m happy to see Oz in this one, I’m not happy that his way of dealing with his specific issue is the way the Scooby gang decides is the best way to deal with Twilight. Seriously? I hate the way this whole story arc is heading. No magic? How the hell do they expect to ever survive? This is the most dumbass course of action I’ve ever seen them try. I’m thoroughly disgusted. The last two graphic novels better be damn good to make up for this. Oh, and don’t get me started on the Xander/Dawn story that’s started here. At least the illustrations are pretty good.


Short shorts at the end

Harmony Comes to the Nation ~ Why does this bitch keep tormenting me? Make it stop. At least I like the illustrations.


Always Darkest ~ O.M.G. LOL This story earns 5 bites from me! I love it! Poor Buffy though. hehehe


Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2015/07/btvs-season-8-vol-6.html