Grimm Consequences - Kate SeRine

*Book source ~ NetGalley


Nate Grimm of the Fairytale Management Authority is not only a detective, but a Reaper. His past is secret even from his lady love, Tess “Red” Little, but when an old adversary comes gunning for him it’s Tess who’s in the most danger. Nate’s not going to take that lying down. His enemies seem to have forgotten that he’s not known as the Death Bringer for nothing.


This is the 2nd story in the Transplanted Tales that I’ve read and the shiny is still blinding me in this series. Since Red was told from Tess’s POV I quite enjoyed having Nate’s POV in this one. Steamy, paranormal, suspense and humor, this fairy tale retelling has it all and more. Nate is just so damn yummy! And Tess is a badass. I love them! I can’t say enough how much I enjoy Kate SeRine’s writing and I’m so looking forward to continuing with this series.
