Taken by Swarm - Seduced by WEREBEES (BBW paranormal shapeshifters erotic romance) - A M Ball

*Book source ~ Free on Amazon


Belinda waltzes into Nectar and falls in love with the town. Everyone and everything is just so sweet. She could just eat it all up. But where is all that buzzing coming from?


Belinda has driven all night to get to this town called Nectar. She can’t wait to see it all. But first she must stop on the fringes, get naked and use her vibrator to get off. Okaaaay. No word on why she hasn’t been getting any, but something about this town makes her so horny. So, after multiple O’s with her buzzy friend she heads into this completely honey-colored town. She has a nommy breakfast in the diner and then the men start offering her treats, paying homage to her and it never dawns on her that she’s the only female around or that there is something totally and completely fucked-up weird about this place. Hasn’t she ever watched Supernatural?! Something ain’t right! What happens in that diner…sweet mercy! Was that *every* man in town? Quite the gang bang and it’s a good thing she loves sweet stuff because they deliver vats and vats worth of sweet cum. The writing needs more editing and the story isn’t really fully fleshed out. Well, it *was* but not in a literary sense. I wasn’t impressed with this one, but at least I can now add werebees to my list of weird shit I’ve read.

Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2015/02/monster-porn-monday.html