A Voracious Reader
4.5 Stars
TWR Blog Tour
Promises Forged - Devri Walls

Book source ~ Tour


Rune Jenkins and Grey Malteer have crossed over into Eon, a parallel world where all the things fantasy are actually real. They’ve been recruited by the Council because they are Venators, and Tate, a Venshii, is the one who retrieved them. Rune’s twin Ryker has also crossed over, but he’s in the hands of Zio. The Council hates Zio and that hate is mutual. But is one side really good and the other bad? Or is this world just totally fucked up? I’m forming an opinion, but won’t share yet.


Rune and Grey are knee-deep in secrets and politics of a world they have no idea how to navigate. It is nothing, I mean, nothing like Earth. Well, ok, the sneaky politics are the same, but think about if you could add magic and powers and otherworldly beings to our world and then you have an inkling of what Eon is like. Rune and Grey keep thinking they are back in Kansas (metaphorically) and this leads to serious trouble for them.


Ryker is another story. Man, I don’t know that this guy is going to be salvageable after staying with and believing everything Zio says.


When Grey’s dumb ass goes running into enemy territory and becomes the captive of Feena the Fae Queen, well, I can’t say I felt sorry for him. Rune also has me wanting to slap her around because seriously? How stupid do you have to be?


This book is at times frustrating and at others intriguing. I get that the characters are YA and in over their heads AND not by their own choice. But they are supposed to be smart. Not to say smart people don’t do dumb things, but after nearly dying in book 1, you’d think book 2 would see some epiphany billboards being lit up. However, the frustration is rewarded by character growth during the course of this book, so I’ll allow it. Every other character is fabulous. Every single one has an agenda and I don’t know what they are yet. I’m fully invested in finding out how all these pieces are going to fit together. Also? Beltran is perhaps my favorite character so far.


I will end this review with one thing that bugged the shit out of me. There is a moment, when Grey is off doing his stupid thing, that he leaves his boots by a river. Verida and Rune see those boots later. That’s how they know he did the stupid thing. But for the rest of the book, Grey suddenly has his boots on. This is the kind of thing I notice and it drives me nuts.  Other than that, I recommend this book. It has danger, action, sexual attraction, magic, and intrigue. Layer upon layer of intrigue. Bring on the next book!

Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/06/twr-tour-promises-forged.html
AVR Weekly News ~ 347th Edition

AVR Weekly News ~ 347th Edition


Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/06/avr-weekly-news-347th-edition.html
4.5 Stars
Review ~ Awesome!
Dragon Walk - Melissa Bowersock



Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited


After an attempt to bridge their business relationship to a personal one and failing, Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud aren’t doing much of anything together. Until the police have a missing persons case they haven’t been able to solve in four months. As a last resort they call in Lacey and Sam to see if Sam can sense the woman who the police are fairly certain is dead. Lacey gets on her part of the research and Sam does his walk, but things aren’t as easy as they once were. But there’s a girl out there that needs their special skills so they forge ahead to a satisfactory conclusion.


I’ll admit I’m bummed about the relationship failing, but I can’t say I’m surprised. Lacey has some serious baggage. I am glad they sucked it up and got straight to work on finding that poor missing girl. The writing is crisp and flows quickly. Before I knew it I was done. The mystery is great and I love the characters. The ending is satisfying. Two thumbs up.

Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/06/dragon-walk.html
AVR Weekly News ~ 346th Edition

AVR Weekly News ~ 346th Edition



Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/avr-weekly-news-346th-edition.html
5 Stars
Review ~ Awesome!
Dream Walk - Melissa Bowersock

Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited


Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud have formed an unusual but satisfying partnership. Formerly of the LAPD and currently a private investigator, Lacey helps Sam, a medium, release ghosts from their Earthly prison. She does all the research and Sam does his ghost walk. Usually the dead don’t come to him. His usual work mode is that he gets a call and if there is a ghost present he does what he can to help it along. This time, his cousin comes to him and Lacey and Sam need to head to Vegas to find his cousin’s body and the person or people who murdered him. But Vegas is a big place and the people who were after his cousin are now after Lacey and Sam. They gotta hurry before they’re one of the things that stays in Vegas. Permanently.


I’m really loving this series. Each book is a quick read with a great mystery to unravel. They’re also pretty well self-contained so you don’t really need to read the books before to get in the groove. But why would you do that?! This story has an added perk of danger Will Robinson, danger! Sam’s cousin was not on a very good path and now that he’s dead the baddies are after the two nosey people snooping around Vegas. Woo! I was on the edge of my seat for this one! I’m certainly looking forward to the next book.

Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/dream-walk.html
4 Stars
Review ~ Great read!
Catalyst - Tracy Richardson

Book source ~ Tour


Marcie Horton has connected once before with a spirit when she was thirteen. But that was four years ago and she feels like she’s missing something by not having any further contact with anything…other. She’s hoping a summer working on her mother’s archeological dig will distract her from a feeling of missing out on something big. Joined by her older brother Eric and his girlfriend Renee, they barely get settled in when two graduate students let the three of them and another student, 19-yr-old Leo, in on a secret. There is much more out there than any of them realize. Marcie is about to get her wish - something incredible is about to happen. The real question is: Is she ready for it?


This is a book heavy on how humanity is shitting where we eat. Too graphic? How about how we are killing the very thing that supports us? Too dramatic? Too bad. We are. If you don’t like books that point out this fact, even if it is a fictional book, then you may not enjoy this as much as I have. Now, to the story itself…


Marcie is a pretty level-headed 17-yr-old. She’s had a life-altering encounter with a spirit when she was 13, so maybe that has something to do with it. In any case, the story is told from her POV so it helps she’s not an over-emotional idiot. Side characters are interesting even if Renee makes me want to slap her upside the head occasionally. And don’t get me started on Leo. Marcie is more forgiving than I would be. Oh! Did I not mention there’s a little hotness going on between Marcie and Leo? Ah. Summer love.


Lorraine and Zeke are a bit irritating in their roles, but I get it. And you will, too. I find the idea of a Universal Energy Field fascinating. I want it to be a thing. In fact, my belief is, since we are mostly water and energy then when we die our energy goes back out into the ether and comes back as another being. So, I guess I believe a bit in reincarnation. And that’s why I believe in ghosts. That energy can get stuck and next thing you know, wooohoooo things going bang. Anyway, I enjoyed this journey of Marcie’s and hope she and the others can bring about some change before it’s too late.


Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/twr-tour-catalyst.html
4 Stars
Review ~ Great read!
Eve of the Storm - Marc Sanderson

Book source ~ Purchased


Leonard Stark hasn’t left his house in years. He’s tried. Boy, has he tried, but he just can’t do it. Christmas is nearly upon him when one morning he sees a figure on his old porch couch. Bundled up against the cold and rain he doesn’t know if the person is a man or woman, young or old. When he hears a knock at his door he panics and tells whoever it is to go away. But the voice is persistent. She (he’s pretty sure it’s a she) pleads to use his bathroom before moving along. Leonard finally gives in and it’s the biggest step he’s taken in a long time. Little does he know that it’s Eve’s biggest step, too.


This is quick read that will both wring your heart and warm it. Leonard and Eve have been through some pretty rough stuff, but their tentative friendship grows in a very short time. Maybe because they both desperately needed someone to believe in them. Sometimes, it only takes a small gesture to pull someone back from an edge you would never have known about and everyone’s story is worth hearing.

Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/eve-of-storm.html
AVR Weekly News ~ 345th Edition

AVR Weekly News ~ 345th Edition


The One Where Grandbaby #3 Joins The Clan


Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/avr-weekly-news-345th-edition.html
The Write Reads Ultimate Blog Tours ~ Harrow Lake

The Write Reads Ultimate Blog Tours ~ Harrow Lake



Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/friday-featured-spotlight-twr-ultimate.html
5 Stars
Review ~ Entertaining!
The Selection Shenanigans - Cate Lawley

Book source ~ Purchased


My favorite vegan vampire is at it again. She and Alex need to solve a security breach at HQ, but before they can do that, not just one murder happens, but two! This is a fairly quick funny read that is just what I needed during these stressful COVID-19 times. Mallory is as scatterbrained as usual and it’s always fun to try to figure out her thought process. Alex is yummy as always and it’s awesome to see everyone else, too. Boone especially gets some extra time in this story and I’m glad. Because who could ever hate such a special doggo? We get a new character in the form of Madeline. I like her. A lot. And I’m so glad I discovered she has a series of her own. Now I must read them! There is one character I’m concerned about at the end of this tale and it’s driving me a bit loony. I hope everything ends up ok and I look forward to Mallory’s next adventure.

Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-selection-shenanigans.html
5 Stars
Review ~ So much awesome!
The Lasaran - Dianne Duvall

Book source ~ Purchased


Taelon has traveled 13 months in space to Earth from his home planet of Lasar. His sister had been missing for years and he’s finally had a good tip that she’s been on Earth. He and his family have not heard from her and they assume the worst has happened. With good reason. Amiriska was captured and tortured for 6 months before she was rescued, but before Taelon can discover this nugget of information and find out where she is now he himself is captured and tortured. Some welcome that is. Yikes.


Lisa has lost people she loved and she’s finally getting her life back on track. Earning some extra money doing research while attending classes has really helped her financial situation. Until she answers a flyer from the Anomalous Cognition Research Institute asking for people to participate in a psychic study. Lisa thinks it’s a bit too woowoo for her, but the pay is good and when she advances to the next round she accepts. She has no idea that she really is psychic and the institute is a cover for a malevolent government organization. But she’s about to learn that fact the hard way.


Taelon and Lisa end up in the same facility and they have to work together to get out and stay hidden. A little help from the Immortal Guardians is just what they need to beat feet. However, they are both in a bad way, they have no idea who to trust, and Taelon still needs to find his sister. But they have each other and a tentative trust that grows each day. Will it be enough though?


Holy shit! I’ve been so busy that I had no idea Dianne Duvall was creating a new spinoff series to my beloved Immortal Guardians. But after the ending of Death of Darkness it makes sense and I feel like an idiot for not seeing that coming. Duh. The Lasaran has everything I love about the Immortal Guardian series: snappy dialogue, action, humor, steaminess, and paranormal elements, but now I can add space travel. Booyah! All of the characters are so awesome, the writing is fantastic, the world just keeps getting bigger and bigger (this is a good thing), and the author makes me love every single thing about it. Which is both a blessing and a curse. I stayed up WAY past my bedtime trying to finish this huge book and finally had to admit defeat at 3:00am. I finished it the next day and wanted to go back and read it again. I am so looking forward to the next book in this series and the Immortal Guardians.

Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-lasaran.html
AVR Weekly News ~ 344th Edition

AVR Weekly News ~ 344th Edition


Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/avr-weekly-news-344th-edition.html
5 Stars
Review ~ Awesome!
Star Walk - Melissa Bowersock

Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited


Ex-cop turned private investigator Lacey Fitzpatrick and medium Sam Firecloud have two cases under their belt and are finding firm footing in how to work their unusual partnership. Their next case involves an old Hollywood mansion that’s being turned into apartments. The owner needs the disruptive ghosts gone or she’ll lose everything she’s put into the place. While working on this case, Lacey gets a call from her ex who is in prison. He begs her to check on his elderly mother who he thinks is the victim of fraud perpetrated by his own sister. Because she likes his mother she decides to help.


Oooh, we get not one, but two cases in this story. Ok, only one is ghost related, but the other is satisfactory, too. Not everything in life (or these books) revolves around ghosts. I wish. Anyway, I’m really loving this series. If you’re looking for a quick paranormal mystery with crisp writing, great plot, and awesome characters then stop, drop, and roll. Or, pick up the book. Yeah, that would be better. Go forth now and click!

Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/star-walk.html
4.5 Stars
Review ~ Awesome!
Skin Walk - Melissa Bowersock

Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited


Lacey Fitzpatrick used to be a detective for the LAPD, but now she’s a private investigator. Sam Firecloud works construction, but he’s also a medium who works on the side to release ghosts from their Earthly prison. An unusual partnership formed at the end of book 1, slowly starts to gel as Sam and Lacey feel their way around each other (not that way, you pervs) and mesh how each likes to work to solve a case.


This particular case takes them to Sam’s family on the Navajo reservation. Sam’s cousin has died in what his grandfather believes is not a natural way. The clues are hard to come by, but they chip away at it until the culprit is revealed. Wow. I did not see that coming. Great story!

Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/skin-walk.html
5 Stars
Review ~ Awesome!
Hunting Fiends for the Ill-Equipped - Annette Marie

Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited


Robin Page is a demon contractor, but she and her demon, Zylas, have an unusual deal. He protects her and she makes him baked goods. Necessity threw them together, but now they work in tandem to find a way to send Zylas home to his world. Every step they advance though they are knocked back by those who seek power any way they can get it. The closer they get to the answers they need the more dangerous it becomes for them. They need allies and they need them fast. It’s a good thing Robin belongs to the Crow & Hammer guild. Because she and Zylas are going to need her guild mates and their skills before this thing is done.


I love this series and it only gets better with each book. Robin and Zylas are a great team and as their relationship deepens it’s been fun watching Robin squirm regarding her attraction to a demon. Mmmm...taboo love is the best kind to watch when it forms.


Like the books in its sister series (Guild Codex: Spellbound), this fast-paced action-filled adventure is full of great dialogue, humor, magic, mystery, danger, and awesome characters. And a hot demon. Because Zylas is nommy. Mmmm mmmm mmmmmm.


Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/hunting-fiends-for-ill-equipped.html
AVR Weekly News ~ 343rd Edition

AVR Weekly News ~ 343rd Edition


Happy Mother's Day!


Source: http://imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/05/avr-weekly-news-343rd-edition.html

currently reading

Progress: 8%
Progress: 116/400pages
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Progress: 9/320pages
The Vault of Dreamers - Caragh M. O'Brien